Wesleyan Theology
THE 726
Practicum in Formation Leadership
MIN 591
Leadership in the Black Church
MIN 682
Biblical Greek
GRK 510
Pastoral Formation
PSF 611
Personal Spiritual Direction 1
PSF 731
Personal Spiritual Direction II
PSF 732
Supervised Spiritual Direction I
PSF 733
Supervised Spiritual Direction II
PSF 734
Foundations in Social and Theological Ethics
SOC 625
Gender Violence and Reconciliation
SOC 655
Social Policy Conference
SOC 735
MIN 630
Strategic Planning for Churches and Nonprofit Organizations
MIN 672
Renewing Congregations
MIN 675
Practicum in Theological Research and Writing
CMC 501
Theological Research
RES 690
Introduction to Biblical Exegesis For Preaching and Teaching
BIB 511
New Testament Epistles
BIB 515
Old Testament Narrative
BIB 517
Spiritual Formation
PSF 612
Care and Counsel
MIN 624
Ministry to the Dying and Bereaved
MIN 647
The Early Church
BHT 524
Social Justice and Spirituality
PSF 624
Reformation and Renewal
BHT 525
Biblical Worldview: Scripture, Theology, Ethics
BHT 521
Exploring the Bible: Canon, Content, & Contemporary Significance
BHT 522
Mission in the Modern World
BHT 526
Field Education
MIN 731