1 and 2 Kings
BIB 607
Old Testament Prophets' Cry For Justice
BIB 621
Independent Study in Biblical Studies
BIB 695
Topics on Location
BIB 735
Advanced Biblical Exegesis
Bib 750
Gospel of John
BIB 644/THE 644
MA Thesis in Biblical Studies
BIB 699
Biblical Theology of Leadership
BIB 772
Being in the Story
BIB 516
Jesus and the Poor: Biblical Perspectives on Economic Justice
BIB 642
Biblical Interpretation from a Black Perspective
BIB 681
Old Testament Poetry
BIB 518
Introduction to Biblical Exegesis For Preaching and Teaching
BIB 511
New Testament Epistles
BIB 515
Old Testament Narrative
BIB 517