Guiding the Soul of Your Church for Times of Conflict
With Rebecca Letterman and Todd Daningburg
The United States of America is deeply divided, and American churches are not exempt from this division. Christians are divided across churches and within churches. What can you do to attend to the souls of congregants in ways that support their relationships within and beyond the walls of their churches? Come and experience some proven strategies to open people to scriptural guidance and ways of interacting with each other that make authentic dialog possible – and growth in respect, connection, and faithful discernment more probable.

Todd Daningburg
Pastor Todd Daningburg is an ordained Elder in the Free Methodist Church. He currently serves as the Lead Pastor at Pearce Church in North Chili, New York, adjacent to Northeastern Seminary and Roberts Wesleyan University. Todd graduated from Roberts Wesleyan University with a B.A. in Religion and Philosophy. He also earned M.Div. and D.Min. degrees from Asbury Theological Seminary. Todd and his wife, Jeanne, have been married for thirty-eight years. Todd has served in pastoral ministry for over thirty years, including twenty-two at Valley Chapel in Warsaw, New York. His heart is to lead the local church to renewal through Biblical teaching, growth in holiness through the work of the Holy Spirit, and a clear mission to the world.