Northeastern Seminary Alum Dr. Tom Worth shared a poem he wrote inspired by the story of Ruth. We hope this poem brings the same joy and comfort it brought to us this Advent season.
Redemption Echoes
By Dr. Thomas Worth
“Where you lodge, I will lodge, where you go, I will go.”
And did Ruth, upon whom all the ages met, know
That love and faithfulness would meet together,
Righteousness and peace would kiss each other,
In the gleaning fields of Bethlehem, that stalks of grain, left by love,
Would grow and yield, a song, a sigh, a longing from above
Yet found in earth and in the law that protected widows
And made a way for them to be redeemed from sorrows?
Old bitter Naomi said, “Call me Mary.” For she declared― did she―
That God’s hand had gone out against her, when all the while, He―
Had stretched His friendly hand toward her through faithful Ruth
And the kind and gentle Boaz waiting in his fields of truth?
And as she planned Ruth’s happiness, forgot her rash name, Mary,
Did she know that she would cradle in her arms, would carry―
A baby, Obed, full of promise, destiny, and hope for everyone—
Enough—not only to bring forth David but—his greater Son?